Repair kit for steering column lock Audi 4F Q7 2004-2011
Original spare parts for repairing the control unit J518 in the event of an error
00288 - Actuator for steering column lock N360 / 014 - defectiveIncluded in delivery:1x double relay 12V / 20A / 180Ω / 10 pin
Manufacturer Panasonic
Safety and product information1x micro switch type 1055 / 3 pin
2x micro switch type 1055 / 3 pin with metal clip
Manufacturer Marquardt
Safety and product information1x installation instructions in German / English
Repair kit is NEW and suitable for ELV module J518
Repair kit fits the following ECU J518:4F0905852 4F0905852B 4F0905852C 4F0905852D 4F0905852E
4F0905852F 4F0905852H
4F0910852 4F0910852A 4F0910852B 4F0910852C 4F0910852D
Possible errors in the system:- 00288 - Steering column lock N360 defective
- Ignition can no longer be switched on
- Vehicle no longer starts
- Steering no longer locks or remains locked
- Indicator light with yellow steering wheel lights up in the instrument cluster
- Error message in the instrument cluster "Move the steering wheel!"
Short-term solution:Press the brake or switch on the lights and read and delete the error memory in the control unit J518, address word 05.
After deleting the error memory everything works again, but only for a short time! Cause:
Electrical components in the ECU J518 for steering column lock are defective.
Repair service:We also offer a repair service for ELV modules.
Please use this link:
Repair service ELV module 4F0905852 XX